Sunday, May 6, 2012

Inspire Me, Alex Nawrocki!

A huge part of my fit life journey has been collaborating with the people around me. I don't want to live a happy healthy life by myself, I want to spend every minute of it with the people that I love. Not only that, but I definitely can't get to my ultimate goals on my own - I need ideas, motivation, help, support, etc... So, understandably, I've been really stoked to find out about friends who are participating in really great causes that simultaneously develop and support their fit lives. Join me in supporting the ambition and hard work of the people in our communities, because after all, we only have each other!

Alex's AIDS/LifeCycle Ride

Who is Alex Nawrocki?
Alex Nawrocki is a fit life inspiration among so many other things! We've known each other for many many years and in addition to being an incredibly kind and fun person, he's also super active and always pushing the limit. Don't worry, this is a good guy to support!

What's the AIDS/LifeCycle all about?
The AIDS/LifeCycle is a 7 day bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise money and awareness for the fight against HIV/AIDS. Alex will be one of the many riders that will test their fitness boundaries while having a life changing experience supporting this great cause. Can you ride 545 miles in 7 days? I sure can't!

What does Alex have to say?
"What's most remarkable to me about the AIDS LifeCycle, and events like it, is that it gives everyone involved an opportunity to contribute to a meaningful cause in a way that they're passionate about.

Exercise, especially challenging endurance events, has always left me feeling accomplished and stronger as a person. What initially drew me to participating in the ride, was the challenge of completing the 575 miles. I've been engaged in a realm that I'm excited about; and consequently, I'm enthusiastically engaging all my friends, family and loved ones on behalf of a truly worthwhile cause that, I'm ashamed to admit, I probably would not otherwise give its due attention.

Once I was committed, however, I felt compelled (even beyond my usual self-discipline) to make an extra effort to prepare and push myself because I am riding to help alleviate the suffering of people in my community living with AIDS/HIV. I encourage anyone, looking for a way to live a more active and fit lifestyle to simply sign up for an event. Charity or personal accomplishment, the goal at the end will motivate your preparation, and your new fit life. We are all capable of much more than we give our bodies credit. I think everyone should experience a test of character and endurance in their lifetime. In fact the more, the better... You'll be stronger for it."

How can you help?
Alex has set a phenomenal goal to raise $3,500 for the AIDS LifeCycle. He's more than half way there and with our help, I know his donation jar will be overflowing. Please take a few minutes to check out Alex's AIDS LifeCyle homepage and donate anything you can to help him cross the finish line.

You rock, Alex! 
Thank you for being a true fit life inspiration and showing the world that we can accomplish whatever we set our minds to. Cheers to you, your hard work, your drive to accomplish great things, and we'll see you at the finish line!

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