Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chapstick Champion

Let's talk about something really important for a minute... chapstick. Chapstick, you ask? Yes, you read that correctly. Chapstick and I have had a rough roller coaster of a relationship over the years. It can be a rip off, it doesn't always get the job done, some brands can become incredibly addicting, and of course there's lip protection to think about! Not only is chapstick important for creating healthy, soft, luscious lips, but it also comes in handy when us ladies have a sexy man around that doesn't care for bright pink lip gloss all over him (although that can be quite entertaining). And let's not forget about the men! Men get dry chapped lips too and from what I understand, they don't always prefer a fabulous looking lipstick option...  Don't worry you guys, I found the chapstick champion!

Trader Joe's (or Trader Johann's as they call their toiletry products) has the one.... the ONE chapstick I commit to using for the rest of eternity. Trader Joe's - please don't ever stop carrying this chapstick or we'll have to have a serious conversation...

The Details:

  Trader Johann's Lip Balm
Spearmint Lip Balm

"Music to your lips"
(and they're not kidding)

Each box comes with 3 Lip Balms (YAH! You can keep them in 3 different places or have extra on hand when you run out!) and is currently sold for $2.49


User Opinions:

My opinion: [OBSESSED] This is the perfect chapstick - it doesn't become addictive (like some that leave your lips worse off when you don't have it on), my lips feel nourished and protected when it's on and after it's gone, and it's so affordable that I never regret buying it. I frequently buy a pack and donate at least 1 or 2 to friends complaining about needing chapstick, and they too fall in love.

Upon donating a tube to my amazing co-worker Claudia Rodriguez, she too became obsessed. Last week her son took her tube out of her purse and replaced it with crayons... I thought she was going to cry. Luckily, I have a spare at the office so we got through the day!

Upon donating a tube to my wonderful friend Mikelle Lopez, she went from feeling like finding the perfect chapstick was a lost cause to totally found it and in love. Her message to me after trying it read, "Ummmmmm, I LOVE my chapstick! It's A-MA-ZING!"

Get Your Own:

Find a Trader Joe's near you HERE

Buy it online HERE

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