Monday, June 18, 2012

I Want Results

Before exercise was a consistent part of my daily and weekly routine, I had a very general concept about the impact it had or didn't have on my life and my body. I'd go to the gym maybe once or twice a week if I was "good" and I felt like I was pretty good at what I call keeping my fat girl at bay. However, like being shoved from a dark room into the brightness of day, once positive changes were made, I began to see how gloomy and uncomfortable the place was that I'd previously been. An opinion that once went something like "If I work out a few times this week I'll look skinnier..." has completely transformed into an understanding that I'm in control and can have the body of my dreams. Depending on the kind of workout I do and the consistency that I'm doing it, my body and mind will change into something uniquely created by that combination. 

So, as I've pursued and maintained a consistent exercise routine and seen the varying effects that it has on me and my body, I've come to find that my ideal workout combination is "free fitness" like running outside, doing exercises and using free weights at home, etc... and "worth every penny classes" at specialty fitness and exercise studios. 

When I tell people this is what I like to do, I often get the same response of "Oh, well, those are expensive. I can't afford classes like that." Maybe... I think. Maybe you can't... but maybe you also have a gym membership that isn't used very often. Maybe you're complaining about not liking your body, but then you're also paying little to no attention on how you exercise and how often. Maybe you don't really know what you're talking about. I didn't know what I was talking about when I said things like that.

Here's the real deal, based on my experience - Specialty fitness and exercise studios can be incredibly worth it:
  • There are all kinds of options and deals (pay class by class, monthly or annual memberships, class packages, deals through the Internet, etc...).
  • There are classes for a set amount of time (which is usually longer than you would push yourself) and they're offered at a variety of times each day to accommodate your schedule.
  • You're receiving guided instruction - so, it's almost like you're having personal training sessions (which are really expensive).
  •  The type of specialty workout you do will have a unique and amazing effect on you and your body.

You guys know me though, I like to be realistic too. Yes, specialty fitness and exercise studios can be incredibly worth it, but they can also be the exact opposite. I like to go into new relationships with studios similar to the way I like to get into pools and the ocean - (1) toe dip first, because let's not get crazy (2) slowly inch further in to make a partial commitment (3) upon feeling everything out and gathering all necessary information - dive in (4) enjoy! Need the translation of how on earth that relates to specialty fitness and exercise studios?? Sure - (1) go to a free or discounted first class to try it out commitment free (2) buy a small(er) package of classes - maybe 5 or 10 - to get started and used to going consistently (3) commit based on your ability - maybe get some type of membership or continue buying packages of classes that meet your needs (4) see how your body and mind transform and ENJOY!

Because I'm such a believer in this process, I'm going to take on my own transformation and show you what happens. Excited?? YAH, ME TOO!

Tomorrow marks a new day, a new fitness studio relationship, a new opportunity to commit, and a new me. Stay tuned...
The Pure Barre Effect coming!

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