Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[Olympic Special] Going for the Gold

The Summer Olympics are upon us and I LIKE IT! This incredible group of athletes from all around the world inspire us to be our absolute best and to work together toward common goals and aspirations. We look to them as pillars of strength, endurance, and self sacrifice. They motivate us to work hard to reach our own maximum potential and they give us the determination and drive that we need to believe in ourselves along with a world and commitment much larger than ourselves.

These cream of the crop athletes demonstrate that health, fitness and an active lifestyle is so much more than a number on a scale, the perfect pair of skinny jeans or a fad diet to get beach ready. They show us the true meaning of a goal driven lifestyle that requires dedication, perseverance, commitment and beyond. Not only that, but they remind us that we're not alone in our journeys to greatness. They are constantly surrounded by trainers, coaches, teammates, family, friends and supporters from near and far. Through them, we begin to grasp the importance of combining self motivation and personal determination with team work and a necessary reliance on the people around us.

More often than not, I struggle to truly conceptualize just how AWESOME the Olympic athletes really are. We watch and critique from the comfort of our own home and don't actually give them enough credit until we attempt a back flip floor routine on our front lawn and fall flat on our face (or in my case, flat on your back with the wind knocked out of you - true story... when I was much younger, HA!). This summer Olympics feels different to me though. For the first time, I'm watching these incredible athletes and events as an active and healthy person myself. I'm finally seeing through eyes of understanding and empathy; I'm aware of my own person fitness level and just how much it takes to get to the point these athletes have reached.

The Olympics should serve as a reminder to each and every one of us to live a positive and healthy lifestyle. It should remind us to go for the gold every single day and become the best possible person we can be. If you're focused on a specific routine or fitness program, step it up a notch. My current commitment, as most of you know, is to Pure Barre. As we began class yesterday, my motivation was exponentially increased as my beyond incredible instructor Jake DuPree announced that this would be an extra special (aka: hard) class in light of the Olympics. He pushed us hard and in turn, I pushed myself beyond points I thought possible. I walked out of class feeling more victorious that ever and completely pumped to get back to the barre ASAP. For those of us who aren't as committed to a certain program, the Olympics should serve as an introduction to try new things and get outside your comfort zone! The best way to change our bodies and minds is to try something new and different. We forget how sedentary we become and that something as simple as jumping in the pool and swimming 5 laps can totally change our perspective. Need some ideas of new sports to try out? The Olympics have tons of options!

At the end of the day, remember to rise above the challenges you face, push yourself harder than you thought possible, focus on reaching your goals, and seek support from the people around you. Be proud as you stand on top of your own Olympic podium and receive your gold medal for being a superstar!

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