Friday, March 23, 2012

Fun Time Friday

CoacHELL(Y)A coming...

Coachella is coming – in 20 days to be exact. After a lot of back and forth and not really caring to go but then realizing I did really want to go and then not getting a ticket and then maybe having a ticket and then not having a ticket again and finally confirming and getting a ticket this week, I am beyond excited. I love music, I love hanging and lounging outside, I love the group of INCREDIBLY FABULOUS women I’m going with, and I love being adventurous and trying new things… thus, CoacHELL(Y)A = perfect amazing yes please right now. As a realistic planner type though, this means a lot is going on in my head. Coachella is several days of being in extremely hot temperatures, longer than usual entertainment and excitement, travelling, and so much more. Accordingly, this fit life lover is going in eyes wide open and fully prepared for whatever comes my way!

The Hot Bod Factor
Yes, I am revving up my workout engine for the next 2 weeks in preparation to prance around looking and feeling beautiful, toned and confident. What's my plan, you're wondering? Well, you know me... I don't like to commit to specific workouts on exact days of the week but I can tell you that I'm focusing on 30-60 minutes of exercise 4-6 days per week that will include a variety of classes, cardio and weight training. 

Healthy, Hydrated & Ready to Rumble
Staying hydrated is a BIG one for me. I get dehydrated really easily so I need to keep that in mind and hydrate very well (pre-Coachella and throughout) so I'm in tip-top shape for spending several days in the hot sun while dancing my heart out! Some other big focus areas for me are making sure I'm eating right, paying attention to what I’m feeding my body and when (aka: listening to my body), taking my vitamins, and getting enough sleep - giving these items enough attention will help ensure that I'll be strong, healthy, amped and ready!

Mind Over Matter
More often than not, success comes down to mind over matter (I think). I'm thinking positive thoughts, remembering to squeeze in my meditation sessions to keep my mind clear and ready, and practicing having fun while pacing myself to have a stellar time!

Penny Pinching
Now that I'm OFFICIALLY going to Coachella, I have to pay even closer attention to penny pinching for a bit. However, I always find times when penny pinching is required to be very advantageous for my fit life because I go out eating/drinking less often, I focus more on free exercise methods (often outdoors which is wonderful), and I spend more time planning and reflecting on my fit life progress. 

...20 days and counting...

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